Tall Guys
These monolithic sculptures were installed in a field by my house where I was raised. Over the course of my childhood I would watch the horses that lived here graze and beat back the natural forces that were trying to slowly reclaim the space that once belonged to them. When I returned to this space years later it was wild and overgrown, devoid of human or animal presence. I wanted to memorialize the presence that I had grown so accustomed to by installing these monumental pieces that I burn-carved before coating in resin. The destructive yet cleansing properties of the fire reflect the ebb and flow that the field bore witness to over the years, while the resin coating preserves the remnants of these gestures, allowing this new presence to stand for years as the field continues to reclaim this open space in an effort to return it to what it was decades ago. These acts encapsulated my feelings about the lifecycle of the field, the animals that shaped it for years and even myself.
wood, fire, resin (2020)